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How to Choose a Suitable Size for Your Car?

When you want to purchase a vinyl wrap for your car body decoration, I think you must have questions as below:

If you want to know more information about vinyl wrap, you may ask the car supplier about the following questions:

The first question: What size of one roll car wrap?

Actually, the common size of one roll vinyl wrap is 1.52*18m, or some vinyl wrap is 1.52*30m.

After you get this information, you are worried about whether one roll car wrap can wrap your full car body or not.

Then you may tell the car wrap supplier about your car model and ask this question:

The second question: Which size do I need to choose for my car?

Then you get the answer, one roll is enough.

Actually, You don’t need to consider the size problem.



If you always order online shop, you must know the big weight cost cheaper average shipping cost.

That means two rolls of car wrap is cheaper than only one roll vinyl wrap according to the average cost.

So, I suggest you order car wrap rolls from a reliable wrap vinyl supplier.


If you order many vinyl wrap rolls for your truck, you may have some meters or more left vinyl wrap. But it doesn’t waste.

You can use the left vinyl to decorate your house, even the wall.

The car wrap is not only can be used for car decoration, it is also can be used for furniture decoration, table, laptop, desk, photo frame, wall etc.


I think if you want to order one roll vinyl wrap for your car decoration, the mina important is to find a reliable car wrap supplier.


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