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How to Make A Reflective Bike?

 How to Make A Reflective Bike?

Reflective at night is a cool thing, not only makes you eye-catching, but also can keep your safety according to enhance your visibility. Make your bike reflective at night is so simiple by reflective sheeting film.
Reflective sheeting on a plate, then install on the bike, such as below:
When you are riding, the reflective sheeting round will show a silver round light under the light emissions.
If you want to show the frame of your bike, you also can paste the reflective film on the bike frame, bike rim such as below:
The reflective bike deals are pasted on the bike frame.

The retro reflective film for bike safety is generally diamond grade reflective sheeting, with high intensity reflective feature, can keep your safety at night or when you are riding at poor light environment.
If you like riding at night, besides of pasting reflective stickers on your bike, you’d better to wear a reflective clothing, which also has many selections, not only silver reflective clothing, you also can get printed reflective jacket, rainbow reflective casual garment. 

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