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Fire Safety – Tips for Fire prevention and suppression

Fire Safety – Tips for Fire prevention and suppression

The necessary conditions for combustion and fire are oxidizer, combustibles, and an ignition source. Without any of these three elements, combustion cannot occur and maintain. Therefore, if you can block one element of them, the fire can be extinguished. Here I will show you tips for fire prevention and suppression as below:

Tips for fire prevention


The oxidizer is easy to get in the air (oxygen), therefore, this condition is easy to meet for fire.

To extinguish the fire, you need to isolate the oxygen with combustibles


Any substance that can react with oxygen or other oxidants in the air is called combustible. Most organic matter and a small part of inorganic matter are combustibles.

Ignition source

Ignition source refers to the energy source that can cause combustibles and combustion-supporting materials to undergo a combustion reaction. This energy can be thermal energy, light energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, or mechanical energy.

Follows are common ignition sources:

1. Flammable and explosive materials, this type of material has features of low ignition point, volatile. Such as alcohol, plastic material, mobile phone lithium battery, and power bank, gas bank, micro-wave oven, lighter, gasoline, firecrackers and others. If meet a flame or static electricity, fire accidents are prone to occur.

2. Illegal fire or preventive measures are not in place during the process of equipment transformation and maintenance, which is very easy to cause fire.

3. As electrical equipment is aging and short-circuited, causing overload and overheating, it is prone to fire.

4. Lightning strikes are also a factor that can not be ignored that causes fires in buildings and power distribution facilities.

The Common reasons to cause fire and explosion

1. Smoking

2. Transposition and storage of flammable and explosive gases, liquids and dust.

3. The usage of open flames.

4. Static electricity.

5. Wrong installation and management of electrical facilities.

6. Spontaneous combustion of substances.

7. Lightning strikes.

Pay more attention to these top tips, we can prevent fire in advance.

Tips for Fire suppression

If a fire broke out, we need to take the right measures to put out the fire.

Fire extinguishing methods mainly include cooling fire extinguishing method(water), isolation fire extinguishing method(opening isolation zone), suffocation fir extinguishing method(foam fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher), and suppression fire extinguishing method (dry powder extinguisher, 1211 fire extinguisher).

(1) Cooling to extinguish.

The main method of cooling to extinguish is water cooling, but the carbon dioxide extinguishing agent has a better cooling effect.

Spray on the burning material to reduce the temperature of the combustible material below the ignition point, thereby stopping the combustion.

(2) Isolation firefighting

According to the three-element conditions of fire, we can isolate the combustible and burning material to prevent extinguishing.

This fire extinguishing method is a commonly used method for fighting fires and is suitable for fighting various solid, liquid and gas fires.

(3) Suffocation fire extinguishing

The combustion of combustible substances needs sufficient air (oxygen), we can take some measures to block the air to the combustion zone, or to dilute the oxygen content in the air with inert gas so that the combustible substances are extinguished due to lack of oxygen.

This fire extinguishing method is suitable for fighting fires in tightly closed spaces or equipment containers.

The common fire extinguisher covers water fire extinguisher, dry powder fire extinguisher, foam fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, halogenated alkane fire extinguisher.

Extinguisher introductions

1. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

Don’t conduct electricity, can extinguish electrical, precision instrument, oil and acid fires.

Cannot extinguish potassium, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum fires.

2. Dry powder fire extinguisher

The non-conductive extinguisher can be used to extinguish fires that burn liquids, valuable instruments, oils, and combustible gases, also used for live equipment. Non-toxic, non-corrosive, therefore, it is widely used for market and house.

3. Foam fire extinguisher

A foam fire extinguisher is conductive, can extinguish oil or other flammable liquid fires, cannot extinguish water and charged object fires.

The usage of fire extinguisher

(1) Occupy the upper side wind

(2) Keep a proper distance (2-3 meters)

(3) Pull out the safety pin and press down the handle

(4) Avoid using upside down

(5) Aim at the root of the flame

(6) From far to near, shooting horizontally

(7) When the flame is not extinguished, do not relax the pressure easily

(8) It needs to be refilled once used.

The usage of indoor fire hydrants

1) Open the fire hydrant door and press the internal fire alarm button (the button is for alarming and starting the fire pump).

2) One person picks up the gun head and hose and rushes to the fire point.

3) Another person connects the hose and valve port.

4) Open the valve counterclockwise to spray out the water. Note: Be sure to cut off the power supply for electric fires.

5) Use a wrench to open the water bag connection switch of the underground fire hydrant.

6) Connect the firewater bag.

7) Use a wrench to open the outlet valve of the underground fire hydrant.

8) Connect the water bag mouth and the spout head.

9) At least two people hold the spray gun heads and spray water to the fire source until the fire is extinguished.

Four tips need to be known for fire safety

1. Understand the fire hazard of the position, can report a fire alarm;

2. Understand the measures to prevent fire, can use fire-fighting equipment;

3. Know how to put out fires, and be able to put out the initial fire;

4. Understand the method of escape, and organize personnel to evacuate.

In summary:

If you find a fire, besides taking firefighting measures, you’d better report fireman when you can’t extinguish the fire. In this time, if you report earlier, you can save more people and property.

The firefighters have professional equipment to extinguish the fire, their fire clothing is made of anti flame fabric, sewed on anti flame retro-reflective tape on the clothing, can extinguish the fire with relative safe equipment.

Therefore, if you can’t control the fire, pull the alarm and escape is the first choice.


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