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How to Use a Hydrographic Tank to Stand Out From the Competition

When preparing your work area for hydrographic applications, it is imperative to choose the right products. Hydrographics began with fiberglass tanks, but these tanks can break down resin particles and are difficult to maintain. Investing in a high-quality acrylic tank can eliminate these concerns.

This article will walk you through the preparation process and how to apply graphics with a hydrographic tank.

Choose the correct products for your needs

Hydrographics tanks can be a useful tool for a wide variety of applications. Choosing the correct tank products is important to ensure that your project is as effective as possible. Choosing the correct type of tank will help you save time and money.

Follow the proper preparation procedures

When using a hydrographic tank, it is important to follow the proper preparation procedures to get the best results.

Make sure that the water temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

Then, prepare the spray gun by placing the fan and needle in the proper positions, and then applying moderate pressure to it. This will help ensure that the spray film has the perfect film thickness for the hydrographic process.

Once the water level is correct, you can begin the hydrographic process. The process requires that you clean the surface properly, which will minimize the risk of failure.

In the case of visible impurities, you should sand the surface with 800-1000mesh sandpaper to remove any traces of dirt or grime.

Then, you should clean and polish the product again to ensure the surface is clean and free of any impurities.

Then, the products should be free of static electricity and residue. You must also ensure that the water surface is free of residue and activator.

Make sure that you spray in a well-ventilated area. If you are spraying on a non-porous surface, you can flush any residue away with the water pump.

You can also prime the surface before dipping. Once the surface is ready, you should rinse it off with a rinsing station.

Hydrographic tanks should be used with extreme caution. The activators and paints used can be harmful. They may cause skin damage.

In the worst case, the chemicals could even cause cancer. Always wash your parts thoroughly after using a hydrographic tank and always wear personal protective equipment, as well as rubber gloves and safety glasses.

Apply the graphics correctly

If you are looking to make your hydrographic tank graphics stand out from the competition, you’ll need to prepare the product properly.

The first step is to make sure the product is clean and free of static electricity.

Next, you need to prepare the water surface. Make sure there is no residue, activator, or paint on it. Turn on a water pump to flush any residue from the surface, and use dividers to remove any bubbles in the water. Make sure to work carefully to avoid creating bubbles in the water.

In order to ensure that your hydrographic tank graphics look professional, make sure the water is the correct temperature.

Next, ensure that the object being dipped is securely placed, as this will ensure that the film adheres evenly to the product.

Lastly, ensure that you pay attention to detail and apply the hydrographic film evenly. This will ensure that your customers are happy with the results.

Before you begin the hydrographic process, ensure you have the right supplies and PPE. It is essential to prepare all of the necessary surfaces properly for the process. You should wear PPE, and you should always work in a well-ventilated area. You should also prepare the item properly, and that means cleaning, priming, and painting it before you start.

Seal and finish the project properly

If you want to make your hydrographic tank look its best, you must follow some specific steps. Proper sealant and clearcoat application are necessary to make it look as beautiful as possible. Proper dipping and drying are essential to ensure a flawless finish.

First, you should understand what hydrographic is. Hydrographics is a process that uses water to create a dissolvable film that floats on top of a tank. This process is also known as immersion printing, water transfer printing, or hydro dipping.

The finish provided by hydrographics is long-lasting and provides 360-degree coverage. To achieve a quality finish, you should work with a company that has experience with this technology.

Many of the bigger industrial companies integrate automation into the process to ensure consistent, repeatable results.

Safety precautions are also an important part of hydrographics. When working with hydrographics, you should wear a face shield or mask. These masks protect your eyes and face from harmful substances, such as abrasive chemicals.

Additionally, you should wear PPE while using a hydrographic tank. The amount of PPE you should use depends on your activity.


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