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Fully Introduction of Hydro dipping activator

Hydro dipping is the process of applying a hydrographic film to an object to give it a three-dimensional, textured finish. hydro dipping activator is used to prep the surface of the object to be dipped, as well as to activate the hydro graphic film. hydro dipping activator can be applied with a brush or sprayer. A hydro dipping activator is a necessary step in hydro dipping, and should be done before any other hydro graphics steps are taken. hydro dipping activator will ensure that the hydrographic film adheres properly to the object, and will create a strong bond between the two surfaces. hydro dipping activator is available in both water-based and solvent-based formulas. once the hydro dipping activator has been applied, it is time to apply the hydro graphic film.

1. What is a Hydro dipping activator

Hydro dipping activator is a chemical agent used to improve the adhesion of coatings to substrates.

Hydro dipping is a process of printing designs on three-dimensional objects. The object to be printed is first dipped in a vat of water, which acts as a transfer medium.

Then, the object is dipped into a vat of paint, which adheres to the water on the surface of the object.

Finally, the object is removed from the paint and allowed to dry, resulting in a unique and eye-catching design.

Hydro dipping activator is a substance that is added to the water in order to improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface of the object.

Activators can be either commercially available products or homemade solutions, such as vinegar or detergent.

In addition to improving the adhesion of the paint, activators can also help to prevent air bubbles from forming on the surface of the object during the printing process.

2. Benefits of hydro dipping activator

It is an important step in the hydro dipping process and helps to ensure that the coating will not peel or chip off over time.

Supply hydro dipping activator is an important step in the hydro dipping process and helps to ensure that the coating will not peel or chip off over time. By prepping the surface with a primer, you help to create a smooth foundation for the paint to adhere to. In addition, activator helps to harden the paint, making it more resistant to wear and tear. As a result, supply hydro dipping activator is an essential product if you want your hydro dipped item to last for years to come.

Hydro dipping is a popular technique for applying decorative finishes to a variety of objects, from car parts to gaming controllers. The process involves submerging the object in a vat of water, which is then coated with a layer of film. Once the film has been applied, it is then cured using ultraviolet light or heat.

One of the most important steps in the hydro-dipping process is properly applying the hydro-dipping activator on the surface of the hydro-dipping film. This step helps to ensure that the hydro dipping graphic design will leave the based film, getting adhesive when dissolving and flowing on the water. And also the hydrographic activator will remove the air bubble during the dissolving of the hydrographic film design.

After spraying hydro dipped activator, you can start to do following hydro-dipping steps:

First, the surface must be cleaned of any dirt, dust, or grease.

Next, it should be sanded smooth to provide a good foundation for the film.

Once the surface has been prepared, hydro dipping can begin.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your hydro dipped finish will last for years to come.

Why hydro dipping activator doesn’t work, how to Adjust it?

Hydro dipping is a process of applying a design to an object by dipping it into a vat of water that has been treated with a special activator. The activator reacts with the object to create a bond that allows the design to be transferred.

Hydro dipping is often used to apply designs to car parts, but it can also be used on other objects such as cups, phone cases, and even gaming controllers.

The advantage of hydro dipping is that it allows for a very precise and detailed design to be applied to an object. This can be helpful if you want to create a one-of-a-kind look for your car or if you want to apply a design that is not possible with other methods.

Hydro dipping activator is available in different recipes according to the different designs of hydrographic film, so you can match the material and the design of the hydrographic dipping film to adjust your recipes of the activator. This can help you achieve a more professional look for your car or object.

When selecting an activator, be sure to choose one that is compatible with the type of object you are hydro dipping. If you are unsure, consult with a professional before beginning your project.

3. Tips for spraying hydro dipping activator

The hydro-dipping activator is an important step in hydro-dipping process. If you spray the activator in a wrong way, you can not get the good final look. For this step, the car painting staff will be superior to other people, they always can do it well.

If you are starter, please keep mentions in the following when you spraying the hydro dip activator.

Waiting Time:

You need to leave enough time to wait for the hydro-dipping film to get wet and dissolve in the water. Then spray the hydrographic activator. Wait for 90-120 seconds for the hydrographic film’s dissolution. 

Spray evenly:

Adjust the spray gun right, to ensure the activator fog is evenly sprayed.

Spray the hydro-dipping activator at the right volume.

The right spraying volume of the hydro-dipping activator is very important to the hydro-dipping process. Too much hydrographic activator or less volume of activator will cause a dipping problem, making you hydro dipping failure.

Activator Problem & Solution

1. The pattern will flow

Reason: The activator is sprayed too much

Solution: To reduce the amount of activator spray

2. The pattern part is not attached or printed not completely.

Reason: It can be caused by three situations

1> The activator is unevenly coated

2> The air temperature and water temperature are too high

3> The activator evaporates quickly


1> Spray the activator evenly

2> Lower the air temperature and water temperature

3> Spray the activator evenly by adjusting the spray gun etc. 

3. Occurs Blisters on the surface

Reason: This situation will happen for two reasons.

1> The activator is sprayed too less.

2> The entering angle is wrong when putting the pre-dip item into the water through hydrographic film.


1> Spray enough activator on the hydro dip film.

2> Adjust the entering angle when putting the pre-dip product through the hydro-dip film.

Summary of hydro dipping activator

Hydro dipping activator is a water-based solution that helps to adhere hydro dip film to the surface of an object.

The hydro-dipping process involves dipping an object into a tank of water and then applying a hydro dipped film to the surface.

The hydro dipped film will then float on the surface of the water and can be applied to the object using a variety of methods.

Hydro dipping activator helps to ensure that the hydro dipped film adheres properly to the surface of the object, creating a smooth and even finish.

It is important to note that hydro dipping activator is not a adhesive and should not be used in place of adhesive when applying hydro dip film. Hydro dipping activator should only be used when hydro dipping; it is not necessary for other types of applications.


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